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The uniqueness that is the WARRIOR.  We all have a thumbprint that is ours and ours alone.  The Warrior seems to be on a timeline that is all guided by the divine as I have put my faith in it being so...a timeline so unique and as challenging as following a thumbprint only God can understand. The latest production fell short of the standards in which I chose to accept.  With the greatest of competition out there, with good products and visibility, so very well funded and running amuck with the spaces I was hoping to little garage boutique...

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542 days since having shorts for inventory.  December 1 was supposed to be the day of new freedom, new shorts and new outlook.  Instead, the day had other plans. Starting in September, the shorts production had commitment.  Double the normal production, with a slight tweak in appearance.  I was all in.  The plan was the same as it was when I started..... go with the solids and then work on the artsy shit... the Camo and other patterns.  Strong base with a flare. Trust is something I have struggled with in life.  It never mattered how many times you got...

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One battle is over, and the next one begins.  Much like every point in Tennis or Pickleball, focus must be on what is right there in front of you.  The next point. The comatose state of PHIT since June 8 2020 is over.  Revived and learning to walk again, this brand needs more help now than ever.  The Warrior needs more help than ever.  The giants are invading the fastest growing sport in the world and wanting to take over.  Fact is they already have... The Warrior remains humble and will stand his ground and do battle for battle and...

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The journey for us all 2020/21 has been nothing short of unbelievable.  The last word can be interpreted any way you see PHIT.   We are finally turning the corner into a place of having a product to sell.  It's not just "A" product... but the "WHY" product. SHORTS Made by hand, in the USA.   Designed by Personal Trainer, Tennis and Pickleball Instructor/Player, and 15X Ironman Triathlete. There are no investors, no banks, no stock holders, and no global valuation.  One Warrior with a vision.   Get on board and get WARRIOR READY

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Frankly I am embarrassed at the state of the website.  I feel like I puked up some photos, slid a word rag through and just slapped them onto some World Wide Web site that doesn't really care... and it seems obvious that someone doesn't.... Well .. I care. The last year Amtrak came into my life and flattened me like the souvenir penny you left on the track.  It took all of the personality of every groove and date and image, and squeezed its guts out leaving nothing but a shiny blank copper canvas in which to make the Warrior...

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